“Everyone lacks something. People making up for others' deficiencies is what makes this world go round.” ~Shigeo Kageyama (ONE)
This site serves as a reminder. A profound one: We are all creating furniture in the lives of others. Others see your existence in the world. Even if it’s a bug on your wall or an angry blogger, that connection is profound. Whether or not we take our duty as designers, or even as creatures, seriously, we have the power to be there for others.
Somewhere someone is designing the packaging for the cleaning fluid that someone will use to clean up after their sick child in the middle of the night, alone. Oh, to be that for someone! Support. A hand to hold in the dark. The depth of this existence is immense. I am grateful for design. So grateful it hurts in my heart.
It’s bigger than us.
The person who will spend the most time on this site is its creator & while I’m here, I want to remember that it’s bigger than us.
Also, to that guy on twitter who cried after getting surprised with a Hamm’s shirt for his birthday; I think about you every day. I would have incarnated on this planet for the sole purpose of being able to help make that for you.
Erin Vandeburg is a multidisciplinary designer whose work has garnered over 30+ design awards in recent years. She is currently living and working in New York, NY, USA. With more than 10 years of experience, she has designed for brands such as: Google, Uber, Verizon, Kraft, MolsonCoors, Mailchimp, NYC DOT, Pepsi, TED, and many others.
New York, NY | (815)751-5091